Rural Pakistan: More Colors, More Scenes [1 of 4]

A very common village scene in Pakistan. Common? Yes, but why then did I, select this image! Because image though common has been shot in such a way that (probably) some photoshopping, has rendered it have a look of painting and that’s the beauty of this image.



Text: Nayyar Hashmey 

Images: Saraiki Youth Forum/Value9


Normally I don’t like photoshopped images, but this one here has been done with such finesse that the green background perfectly fits into the greener fields which are a hallmark of rural Pakistan.
Bullock carts though are gradually being replaced by mechanized transport such as a tractor or the tractor trolley, yet its still the iconic symbol of the village life in Pakistan.

Look how green is my village!
Overview of a village home

A village woman selling roasted chickpeas, peanuts, or corn (depending upon season)

A view from the Chanan Pir Festival. Channan Pir is a village in the Punjab province of Pakistan, it is named after a Sufi saint and contains his tomb. It is located between the Derawar and Din Garh forts and lies a few kilometres from Yazman town, and in the start of the Cholistan desert.
The village is linked to the saint Jalaluddin Surkh-Posh Bukhari who was said to have come to the village while travelling en route to Jaisalmir during the 13th century.
It is a centre of the spiritual and cultural heritage of Yazman and Cholistan. Cultural activities are observed when the Urs (a religious fair) of Channan Pir is held. Urs is held on seven consecutive Thursdays starting in the month of March every year. The visitors throw tabbaruk (the sacred sweet) and the persons who pick and taste this tabarruk are supposed to be fortunate in achieving their worldly pursuits.

The Silhouette

A village scene from the Chakwal district in the province of Punjab, Pakistan.

The big bohrh (banyan) tree with its thick cool shade

Colorful trolley, colorful attire, all in a rural setting 

Cane-ware seller with his products on bike, specially including the cane trays commonly called “changairs” used for freshly cooked bread loaves (the chappatis).

The nests of weaver birds, a very common sight in the rural areas of Pakistan. To ward off predators and the ‘thieves’ like common crows these nests usually have an entrance on the bottom side.  This camouflages the entrance and checks other intruders not to disturb the sanctity of the house.
If there is an opening large enough for a crow to intrude, they usually trespass the weaver birds’ homes and eat up the eggs.

Although diesel driven generators are gradually taking over the conventional out-moded wells from where farmers draw water through Persian wheels, still in the areas where there is no electricity  or fuel costs are too much for the men on farms, Persian wheels are still being used for irrigation.
Here in this image in the Soon Sakesar valley in the Khushab district of Punjab, Pakistan, a camel driven Persian wheel draws water for drinking as well as for irrigation.

Fresh from the field: Vegetables on display

The cuty little one trying to copy her mother in blowing the pipe. Such blow pipe is used to throw air or oxygen in to the simmering wood fire which with supply of more oxygen ignites into proper flames, which otherwise keeps on sending smoke with almost no heat which is needed to cook the meals or milk at proper temperature.

Mairi peeng de hularay

The huge charpoy or hamacha outside a driver hotel

The Morning Scene: Charpoys with bed sheets,  pillows and khes’es. The house inmates have had a sound sleep. There is an electric fan standing nearby to cool up the nightly summer weather.
Soon these charpoys will be removed and stacked against a wall. The conventional home textiles too will be folded and then put on a charpoy again till the fall of the next evening.

Covered all in produce from the field, a villager on way his home.

A simple toy made by village craftsmen for the children of Pakistani villages.
The toy has two wheels made of wood. A simple mechanism makes the small reed stick to beat a tiny drumlet. When the child walks, the moving wheels run the stick and the drum beating starts. The sound of the beating of the drumlet as well as the moving ‘vehicle’ elates the children and their jubilation knows no bounds.

Blues, hues and reflection.

Plantation on raised beds: Green raised fields are typical of villages in Punjab and Sindh.

The boats, oars and the river. Waiting for you.

A milk man on his way to serve his customers

A bullock ready to move·


Next: Rural Pakistan: More Colors, More Scenes [2 of 4]…

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Note:  As always, click the individual image to view in full size.

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1Colors of Punjab, Rural Pakistan [in four parts] 2. King’s Treatment 2. Life in a Pakistani Village 3. Kanjwani Mela – The Spirit Lives On…
Source of all Images
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7 replies to “Rural Pakistan: More Colors, More Scenes [1 of 4]

  1. Ahahaaa, what a lovely website. I simply love these photos. I dont know how many times a saw these all pictures again and again and again. Wonderful. Whoever your are, a wonderful work. I miss my old days. Excellent full marks 100%

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