New U.S. Study – The Taliban have nothing to do with Al-Qaeda 1/4

A confident Taliban warrior smiles as he proudly carries his gun. Meanwhile the Evidence of Taliban offer in 2002 damages the myth of Taliban-Al Qaeda ties






by Nayyar Hashmey



Agoravox Foundation is a French organization of citizen journalists. Its members are active in many spheres particularly social work and independent media. Their website is naturally in French. Its perusal, therefore, for English speaking readers is not as convenient as it is for their French readers. They do have however, built in software for an automatic translation of all contents on their site, yet the translation done by machine has obviously many errors, omissions, discontinuities and misplaced words and sentences. The same dilemma I faced as I tried to read their latest post. The English version was so disjointed that one could not make any head or tail of the story at all.

However, the contents of that post appeared to carry some highly relevant and important matter on the contemporary political scene particularly in the AfPak war theatre. So, I could not hold myself and started doing some editing of the English translation done by the machine. Highly alarming was the writer’s news break on Raymond Davis’s link with certain elements in India and with the TTP here in Pakistan, which is why I ventured to go deep into its contents and do the extra work.

Since I do not know French myself, therefore, I did the editing with as much accuracy as I could possibly do. However, even then its quite possible that some error/s might have crept in the English text. I, therefore, do offer my apologies in advance.

I have also sent a copy of the English translation to Agora Vox with a request to see whether the English text is exactly as per conceptual content of their original French text. I haven’t yet received a reply from them, but no sooner do I receive one [if any]  I would straightaway inform you all.

I have termed the story by Agora Vox as alarming. Why? You may ask.

Here is my take:

    1. Raymond Davis incident has become a high profile contentious issue. Its threatening Pak-US relations to the core.

2. Obama administration is insisting that Davis has diplomatic immunity, and, therefore, think Pakistan is holding Davis illegally.

3. Pakistani authorities, particularly the Punjab government do think he has indulged into committing double murder and that being a mere ‘technical’ employee of the US consulate in Lahore, he does not enjoy an immunity. US consular service itself confirms that he is a technical employee of the consulate.

4. Then comes the former foreign minister Shah Maehmood Qureshi who in his press conference fully dilated on the issue and elaborated the view point of Pakistan’s foreign office and as he said, by all counts, all of them came to a unanimous decision that Raymond Davis was indeed not entitled to diplomatic immunity and as such he must face the court of law.

5. Mr. Quereshi categorically confirmed that according to records he had in the Ministry of Foreign affairs and the record provided by the US Embassy in Islamabad, the bonafide’s of Mr. Davis could not be established. He (foreign minister), therefore, did not issue the relevant document which could allow Raymond Davis to avail immunity.

6. The situation has been so much aggravated that President Obama himself has asked Pakistan to release Davis because as he said “Raymond Davis is a diplomat”.

7. A day before, Senator John Kerry too has been here in Islamabad to get the issue ‘sorted out’, an issue that has brought the two “allies” in the war on terror to a course of confrontation.

Parallel to what’s happening behind the scene diplomacy, the Davis drama is getting ever more contentious, and ever more mysterious. In the scenario that we have before us, now comes the Agora Vox sensational report which throws some more light on Davis’s activities in Pakistan where they mention his previous stays in Peshawar as an employee of the CAI. [Wonders of Pakistan already covered the activities of this US based CAI in its issue of August 2009]. According to Agora Vox he was doing his duties as an ‘agent’ under the name of Craig Davis and now his links with the TTP as well as with Hindutva terrorist like Col Prohit of the Indian army and others who have been implicated in blasts in  Malegaon and certain other Indian towns  mainly having Muslim populations.

See here, here, here and here.

This confirms what independent researchers like Michel Chossudovsky and others have been saying since so many years i.e. that the attacks in Pakistan are nothing but the machinations of US intell agencies’ long arm tactics. The report should also open the eyes of both India and Pakistan who go on blaming each other forgetting the very fact that their friends in the CIA who feed them on the intelligence of their respective adversary, are doing something quite opposite to what they may be thinking their good friends should be doing for them.

Coming up next:

1. Do Taliban support Al Qaeda’s terror operations?

2. Is McChrystal/Petraeus strategy in Afghanistan successful?

3. Can NATO come out of the mess the erroneous Petraeus strategy has created?

4. Who is Raymond Davis?

5. Does Davis have links with Hindutva terrorists in India and the TTP in Pakistan?



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