Imran Khan explains “War of Terror” and “Pakistani Taliban”

Just when it seemed Imran Khan’s career was as good as over, he was embraced by the electronic media, an event that gave him the platform to re-emerge as a popular figure among the country’s new generation of young urban middle-class Pakistanis. So much so that the Khan is now being hailed as the saviour that Pakistan needs. However, parties like the PML-N and MQM allege that Khan is being propped-up by the ISI and by the agency’s supposed mouthpieces in the electronic media so he could electorally challenge the mainstream parties that the military and the ISI feel can threaten their ‘strategic’ interests.




Legendary Pakistani cricketer turned opposition politician Imran Khan explains it all…He’s probably the only Islamist politician in Pakistan who talks sense rather than the secular fools in power today..Pakistan today is in the grip of terrorism and mass corruption. Will this man who always came to rescue the Pakistanis on cricket grounds, also show the same tact, same smartness in politics too?

Note: The ultimate messianic figure, the former Pakistan cricket captain and philanthropist entered politics in 1996 with a brand new party, the Pakistan Threreek-i-Insaf (PTI) or the Law and Justice Party.

Many observers then compared him with Asghar Khan: A clean politician but without the tact of organizing a winnable political party.

Imran entered the fray as a would be messiah right from the start but his party only managed to win a single seat in the 1997 and 2002 elections.

But just when it seemed his career was as good as over, he was embraced by the electronic media, an event that gave him the platform to re-emerge as a popular figure among the country’s new generation of young urban middle-class Pakistanis. So much so that the Khan is now being hailed as the saviour that Pakistan needs. However, parties like the PML-N and MQM have alleged that Khan is being propped-up by the ISI and by the agency’s supposed mouthpieces in the electronic media so he could electorally challenge the mainstream parties that the military and the ISI feel can threaten their ‘strategic’ interests.

They also suggest that Khan is being used as a pawn by those segments of the agencies who want to drive a hard bargain with the US on the issue of aid.


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2 replies to “Imran Khan explains “War of Terror” and “Pakistani Taliban”

  1. The complicated political situation in Pakistan can be handled by a party that has the long tentacles [from Islamabad to New York and to many other similar destinations on world’s political horizon]. I have strong doubts that the present gathering around I.K. would be able to sustain the required balance between such factors that operate in different parts of this region. His party might not get more importance than the MQM and Mush’s APML combined in installing a new govt. in the country.

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