9/11 was not a work of Muslim groups, says former Malaysian Prime Minister

Consider the attack on 9/11. The planning must have taken a considerable length of time. The candidates had to learn to fly in tiny aircraft. Unless they were already airline pilots familiar with big passenger aircraft, their pupil pilot licenses would not be of much help to fly the four aircrafts to their targets which were not on the route of the planes. Planning to hijack four aircrafts simultaneously would require great precision in timing and logistics. One aircraft maybe. But four simultaneously! I don’t think Arab terrorists from Saudi Arabia can carry out this highly sophisticated operation with such success. Then there was the collapse of the two towers hit by the aircrafts. They came down nicely upon themselves without toppling against the other buildings close by. It looks more like planned demolition of buildings than collapse consequent upon being hit by aircraft.



by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad


1. I had written in this blog that the attack against the New York World Trade Centre and the Pentagon on 9/11 2001 was not hit by any Muslim terrorist.

It could have been by other groups.

2. In the Star of Friday 2nd September, a report by AFP, date-lined New York has this to say:

“For some Americans, the deaths of nearly 3000 people was not the scariest thing about 9/11.

It was realising who carried out the attack: yes, the American Government.”

3. I believe Arab Muslims are angry…

But they or their handlers do not strike me as capable of planning and strategising such attacks…


The planning must have taken a considerable length of time.

The candidates had to learn to fly in tiny aircraft.

Unless they were already airline pilots familiar with big passenger aircraft, their pupil pilot licenses would not be of much help to fly the four aircrafts to their targets which were not on the route of the planes.

5. Planning to hijack four aircrafts simultaneously would require great precision in timing and logistics.

One aircraft maybe. But four simultaneously!

I don’t think Arab terrorists from Saudi Arabia can carry out this highly sophisticated operation with such success.

6. Then there was the collapse of the two towers hit by the aircrafts.

They came down nicely upon themselves without toppling against the other buildings close by.

It looks more like planned demolition of buildings than collapse consequent upon being hit by aircraft.

7. But a third building also collapsed in the same fashion although it was not hit by any aircraft or by the collapsing twin towers.

What is the explanation for this untouched building collapsing upon itself and not damaging other buildings nearby?

8. Then there is the total disappearance of the aircraft which hit the Pentagon building.

There was no debris of any kind, no broken parts of the aircraft, no black box, and no human bodies flung into the surroundings.

Is it possible for an aircraft to vaporise totally after a crash?

9. And the fourth aircraft which was supposed to have crashed in an open field. Again no sign of any debris.

No big crater.

Did it vaporise into nothingness also. Did the innocent passengers also vaporise?

10. The American press is great at reporting incidents.

They will give full coverage, with great pictures sketches and detailed descriptions.

For months they would publish stories with revealing photographs.

They would interview the relatives of the passengers who died in the crashes.

But the American press was strangely silent about 9/11.

11. It is now the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

Bush lied about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction.

As a result hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Afghans and a few thousand of young American soldiers died, thousands more are wounded, maimed for life, suffering mental breakdowns.

Two countries have been devastated and fratricidal wars have become endemic. And still no democracy.

12. This is the legacy of George W. Bush. If they can lie so as to kill Iraqis, Afghans and American soldiers, it is not unthinkable for Bush & Co. to lie about who was responsible for 9/11. Human lives do not seem to mean much to Bush!

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