CNN’s Fareed Zakaria interviews Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

We’re always proud of our history. Iran has always been the center of friendship and civilization. As far the Jewish people, the ordinary people, what problems do they have with us? Nothing. But from the very beginning, we’re against Zionists. Zionists are neither Christians nor Jewish. They have no religion. Their religion is wealth, power and money. Zionism is a complicated and terrible party. And to most they have 10,000 members, and 2,000 main members. I don’t say they are all there. Some of them are in Europe, some of them are in the United States, and it constitutes a racist group and they consider themselves superior to others.



Note for WoP readers by Gulam Mitha:

I received this from someone…don’t remember who..…but I did verify the authenticity of this article and what Bush told Chirac.

I do believe now that the US / NATO at the behest of Israel have launched the “final crusade” which in my opinion will lead to WWIII. The consequences of this madness will be a disaster for humanity.

Religion is good as long as it is personal but not when it becomes a vested interest for the few that seek power. The Zionists have fooled both the decent and good Muslims and Christians.

Now if this isn’t fanaticism, then I don’t know what is and that too from a world leader…who got him up there? Certainly not the US public.

In contrast, I’m attaching an interview of another world leader, Ahmedinejad of Iran, by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in which—AHMEDINEJAD OFFERS HIS DEFINITION OF ZIONISM. Its very short and precise. I do not think anyone has proffered anything better.

 EDITORS’ NOTE: It’s blatant hypocritical for Zakaria’s handlers to fly him into Tehran to ask President Ahmadinejad about political prisoners and crushing dissent, considering the ongoing police brutality and arrests of peaceful Occupy Wall Street demonstrators in American cities. This is all part of the blatant disinformation process trying to discredit Iran and justify war.

Zakaria was sent by his Zionist Corporate bosses on a barefaced mission to try the usual ‘interview and discredit’ thing.

Well, he found it was difficult to penetrate Ahmadinedad’s logic so he resorted to innuendo.

Fareed Zakaria ended up looking like a pathetic shill.

He is not unique, he is just another hack in the pseudo journalism Mainstream Media trade, there are hundreds, if not thousands of his colleagues that serve as shills for their Corporate bosses in the world.

– Edited by Debbie Menon

The Positions of America has never helped  –  Pres. Ahmedinejad


Watch the interview below and be the judge.

Source: Information Clearing House

Talk of human rights violations, watch the latest Occupy Wall Street Demonstration in the United States below:

Police Turn Oakland Into War Zone

Occupy Oakland:

An Iraq war veteran has a fractured skull and brain swelling after allegedly being hit by a police projectile.

By Adam Gabbatt

War Veteran in Critical Condition after Police Clashes

 Proof that Scott Olsen was shot in the face by police without provocation during the Occupy Oakland march on  October 25.

Video of Scott Olsen Being Shot by Police at Occupy Oakland


And here now is a transcript of Ahmadinejad on Israel, Zionism and Iran’s pre-Islamic past:

Fareed Zakaria: Your chief of staff has spoken a great deal about Iran’s pre-Islamic past and said that Iran should be proud of it. Are you proud of Iran’s pre-Islamic history?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (through translator): We’re always proud of our history. Iran has always been the center of friendship and civilization.

Fareed Zakaria: Your chief of staff has also said that Iran is friendly towards all peoples of the world, including the Israelis. Do you believe Iran should be friendly to the Israeli people?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: People everywhere, ordinary people, what problems do they have? From the very beginning, we’re against Zionists. Zionists are neither Christians nor Jewish. They have no religion. Their religion is wealth, power and money.

Fareed Zakaria: But what do you mean by that? Every person in Israel is by definition a Zionist because they believe in a state for the Jewish people.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (through translator): No, no. Zionism is a complicated and terrible party. And to most they have 10,000 members, and 2,000 main members.

Fareed Zakaria: What does it mean to you? So what does Zionism mean? The rest – you say only 10,000 people in Israel are Zionists?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (through translator): No, I don’t say they are all there. Some of them are in Europe, some of them are in the United States, and it constitutes a racist group and they consider themselves superior to others.

Fareed Zakaria: But you think most Israelis are not Zionists in the sense you mean it?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (through translator): There’s a large number of people who were brought from other countries. They had no job. No house. And they were promised to have jobs and housing. Recently we saw a few hundred, thousands of people stage a demonstration against the Zionists. And if the Zionists allow, we can see them in stations everywhere there.

Fareed Zakaria: So it sounds like you’re saying that Iran could have peaceful relations with Israel if it adopted policies that you appreciate?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Zionists should go away and they should allow people to choose themselves. If the people of Palestine have the right for self determination, that will be fine. But the Palestinian people have been denied the right to self determination. That is clear.

The regime has been created to dominate the region. Because the regime has been created to secure the interests of some people in the United States and in Europe.

Next: A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush

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