Rewinding the Tragic Saga 1947

Train to Pakistan, leaving Delhi, August 14, 1947.



by Nayyar Hashmey


August is the month when the two dominions, of India and Pakistan emerged on world map as two independent sovereign states.This independence, however, was sought at a great price, paid through blood and soul of the three leading communities living in the subcontinent since centuries. Where Muslims could they slaughtered the Hindus and the Sikhs. And when it was the turn of the other community, they butchered Muslims with the same same beastality.

After 65 years of independence, I think we in the subcontinent need to analyse what went wrong, why the people living together for centuries were estranged to an extent that the good natured humans of yesteryears, turned into ferocious beasts of today. Why instead of parting their ways peacefully, they killed the followers of the opposite ommunity without havig a second thought why! why, were they doing so.

Some aspects of this tragic saga were already taken up in an earlier  post by this scribe [SEE The present western view by Michel Hughes How to fix Pakistan]. Now this month I have started this with a series of posts on the partition story with some mor insightful reports, essays and articles by the men who were either part of the scene, or were the principal movers and shakers in the whole episode of partition.

The first in this series is a movie directed by Tom Clegg. Its in two parts .The first part deals with the events from1946, the arrival of Mountbatten as the Viceroy of India, and then to the arrival of Cyril Radcliff as chairman of the Boundary Commission and the second part deals wth events that lead to the day of partition i.e. 14th August 1947.

The details of the movie i.e. how to get it and view this on your P, these and all other details have been provided in the main body of the review. Simultaineously there are links that take you to the videos  which give a fairly good idea as to why this movie is a MUST WATCH!

As said earlier following this post, there will be more in this series. These will throw ample light on what happened before the tragic days of partition and what happened after the partiton plan of Lord Montbatten.

Please go through all these posts as these are the living part of our past history and let me know of your comments as to what do you think about these tragic events that befell our two nations resulting  in history’s largest exodus from each side of the border and killing of a million of humans of all communities, the Hindus, the Sikhs and last but not least the Muslims themselves.

Next: Lord Mountbatten, The Last Viceroy: A Review [1 of 2]

Related Posts:

1. Can India and Pakistan live in Peace 2. 1947, Freedom At Midnight, The Pain 3. 1947, Agony and Ecstasy : Amrita’s Wailing over Partition of Punjab
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